Rules of providing hotel services in the hotel "Crystal" (LLC "Hotel Crystal")

These rules for the provision of hotel services in the hotel "Crystal" (Limited Liability Company (LLC) "Hotel Crystal"), located at: 249 031, Kaluga region, Obninsk, ul. Kurchatova 18A developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation Law of 07.02.1992 N2300−1 (ed. 01.05.2017) "On protection of consumer rights" and the Russian Government Decree of 18.11.2020 N1853 "On approval of the Rules for providing hotel services in the Russian Federation.

General provisions

These rules govern the relationship between the Guest and the Contractor — Crystal Hotel (Crystal LLC), in the provision of hotel services and are a corporate regulatory document governing the internal operations of the hotel.

The basic concepts used in these Rules shall mean the following:

-The "Contractor" is the Crystal Hotel, LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Hotel"), which provides hotel services to the guest;

— "Hotel services" - a set of services to provide temporary accommodation in a hotel, the list of which is determined by the Contractor, provided at a single price;

— "Room Rate" - the cost of temporary accommodation and other related services determined by the "Contractor", provided for a single price;

— "Guest" - an individual who intends to order or purchase or who orders, purchases and (or) uses hotel services solely for personal and other needs, not related to business activities;

— "Customer" - a physical (legal) person who intends to order or purchase or orders or purchases hotel services in accordance with the contract for the provision of hotel services (hereinafter — the contract);

— "Reservation" is a pre-booking of seats and/or rooms in the hotel with the Customer or Guest;

— "Settlement hour" - the time set by the Contractor for the departure of the Consumer.

The mode of operation of the Hotel is daily, round the clock.
1.2 The hotel has a daily payment for accommodation. Payment for accommodation is charged according to the settlement hour.
1.3 The official check-in time is 14:00 local time; check-out time (settlement hour) is 12:00 local time.
1.4 The list of services included in the room price is determined by the room category and is set in the price lists.

II. Form, terms and conditions and procedure for making reservations and cancellations
The contractor has the right to accept the following types of reservations at the hotel:
а) Guaranteed reservation — a type of reservation in which the Hotel expects the Customer to arrive by the checkout time of the day following the day of the scheduled arrival. The Guest (Customer) is financially responsible for late cancellation of the reservation and failure to arrive on the date specified in the reservation. Late arrivals of more than one day will result in the cancellation of the guaranteed reservation;
б) Non-guaranteed booking — a type of reservation in which the hotel expects the Consumer until 6 pm on the day of arrival, after which the hotel has the right to cancel the reservation, and then provide the booked room to another Guest. In this case, the Guest is also not responsible for non-arrival on the specified dates.
2.1 The Contractor shall make a reservation by accepting information from the Consumer (Customer) to make a reservation through the reservation sites, mail, telephone and other communication that allows to establish that the application comes from the Consumer (Customer).
2.2. Reservations through the website of the Hotel is made by filling out the form on the website of the Hotel.
2.3 At the conclusion of the contract for the provision of services with the Customer, a form of booking request may be established. The Customer in these Rules means a natural or legal person who intends to order or purchase or who orders or purchases hotel services in accordance with the contract for the provision of hotel services for the benefit of the Consumer.
2.4. The reservation shall be considered valid from the date of receipt by the Guest (other person — customer of hotel services) of the notification from the Contractor, which contains information, including the category of the ordered room, its price, the terms of booking, the duration of stay in the Hotel. The Guest (other person — Customer of hotel services) has the right to cancel the application in the manner and within the time specified in the booking confirmation.
2.5. At the time of booking, accommodation or free settling the Guest chooses a category of rooms, and the right to choose a particular room belonging to this category is left to the Administration of the Hotel.
2.6. The Executive has the right to refuse a reservation, if there are no available rooms on the date specified in the application.
2.7. Cancellation of reservation is carried out by accepting information from the Consumer (Customer) to cancel the reservation by mail, telephone or other communication, which allows to establish that the cancellation of the reservation comes from the Consumer (Customer).
2.8. If the reservation is made by the Customer, who is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, the conditions, amount, terms of advance payment, as well as other conditions of reservation, including the right to book on the conditions stipulated for non-guaranteed booking, may differ from those specified in these Rules and are determined by the contract with the Customer.
2.9. For guaranteed reservations (if the Guest has made a prepayment for hotel services or has paid for them in full before the date of arrival), the Hotel expects the Guest until 12:00 noon on the day following the date of scheduled arrival. In case of late cancellation of reservation (less than 24 hours prior to the date of arrival) or no-show, the Guest or the person — customer of hotel services will be charged for the actual room downtime at the cost of one day of accommodation. In case of a delay of more than one day, the guaranteed reservation is canceled.
2.10. For non-guaranteed reservations, the Hotel waits for the Guest until 18:00 local time on the day of the scheduled arrival (unless information about a later arrival time was provided in advance), after which the reservation is cancelled. A late Guest may be accommodated under general conditions, subject to room availability.
2.11 If the Customer makes a reservation through the hotel’s website according to the "Non-refundable rate", in case of no-show, the money will not be refunded.

III. Form, procedure and methods of payment for hotel services
3.1. Payment for the provision of hotel services is made in Russian rubles.
3.2. Payment for accommodation and services in the Hotel, including deposit payments, is made according to the rates approved by the management. Payment is made in rubles, in cash, by wire transfer or with the use of bank cards accepted for payment. The check-in at the Hotel is made only after the prepayment for the whole expected period of stay and a deposit, if it is provided for under the terms of this reservation. The final bill for the services rendered will be given to the Guest at check-out.
3.3. To pay for hotel services accepted in cash, as well as credit cards of the following payment systems: MIR, Visa, Mastercard.
3.4. In carrying out settlements with the Consumer (Customer), the Contractor shall issue to the Consumer (Customer) a check of the bank terminal and SAF (strictly accountable form).
3.5. Customers who are legal entities or individual entrepreneurs can make payments in non-cash form by transferring funds to the account of the Hotel in accordance with the contracts concluded with the Hotel.
3.6. Guests accommodated between 00:01 and 06:00 (non-guaranteed early check-in), if rooms are available and stay until 12:00 of the same day, will be charged 100% of the room rate per night.
3.7. In the case of a guaranteed early check-in booking, in which the room is closed from sale and is not available for check-in the day before, payment is charged as follows:
-If guests check in from 00:01 to 06:00 a fee of 100% of the cost of accommodation per night will be charged;
 — In the case of arrival between 06:01 and 13:59 an additional fee of 50% of the cost of accommodation per day will be charged on condition of staying at the hotel for the next day.
3.8. If the Guest is delayed in staying at the Hotel (late check-out), he/she will be charged as follows: — from 12:01 to 18:00 — 50% (fifty) percent of the cost of accommodation per day;
— From 18:01 to 00:00 and after 00:00 — 100% of the cost of one-night stay.
3.9The hotel has the right to refuse to provide the Guest with a late check-out if the late check-out was not confirmed at the time of booking and there are no available rooms at the moment.
3.10. Extension of stay is carried out through the reception and accommodation service, subject to availability of rooms. The hotel has the right to move the Guest to another room of the same category (in case of impossibility of extension in this room), or to refuse to extend the stay in case of lack of available rooms. Extension of stay is subject to mandatory advance payment for the entire extended period and provided there is no confirmed reservation for this room in favor of third parties.
3.11. If the Guest checks out earlier than the paid period of stay, payment is made for the actual time of stay (but not less than one day) and additional paid services provided. The Guest is also charged a fine — fee for room downtime as a result of its withdrawal from sale in the amount of the price per day of stay. The amount exceeding the cost of the actual stay, additional paid services rendered and the accrued penalty shall be returned to the Guest, excluding situations when the stay was under the "Non-refundable tariff"
3.12. The Consumer (Customer) is obligated to pay for hotel services in full.
3.13. Accommodation for children in the hotel is possible at full cost.
3.14. The child’s age must be verified by a birth certificate.

IV. The order of registration of residence (accommodation)

4.1. The Guest shall check-in at the Hotel upon presentation of an identity document, executed in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation:
a) a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation;
b) birth certificate — for a person under 14 years of age;
c) a passport certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation — for a person permanently residing outside the Russian Federation;
d) a passport of a foreign citizen or any other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen;
e) a document issued by a foreign state and recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a stateless person;
е) for foreign citizens are also required: migration card, visa (valid for the period of stay in the Hotel), registration at the place of stay in Kaluga region in case of stay in Russia for more than 7 days; (the entire list of documents in accordance with the requirements of migration legislation). If the employees of the Hotel will establish violations of the terms of stay, registration on the territory of the Russian Federation, other violations of immigration laws, committed by these persons — the Hotel has the right to refuse the Guest to move in.
4.2. Registration in the Hotel of minors under the age of 14 years is carried out on the basis of identity documents of the parents (adoptive parents, guardians) or close relatives, the accompanying person (persons), the document certifying the authority of the accompanying person (persons), as well as birth certificates of these minors.
4.3. Registration in the Hotel of minors aged 14 to 18 years old is carried out on the basis of an identity document, only together with the parents (adoptive parents, guardians) or close relatives, accompanying person (persons), having an original document certifying the powers of the accompanying person (persons) (notarized power of attorney issued by the parents of a minor (guardians, adoptive parents).
4.4. If minors (clauses 8−9 of these Rules) are unaccompanied by their parents (adoptive parents, guardians), or if the person (s) accompanying them cannot provide the Hotel employee with the original document certifying their authority to accompany the minor, the Hotel is entitled to refuse such minor and the unauthorized accompanying person (s) to register and stay at the Hotel, even in case of a guaranteed reservation.
4.5. Registration of Guests, who are citizens of the Russian Federation, at the place of stay in the Hotel is carried out in accordance with the Russian Government Decree of 18.11.2020 № 1853"On Approval of the Rules of providing hotel services in the Russian Federation" and the Rules of registration and deregistration of Russian citizens by place of stay and place of residence in the Russian Federation, approved by Russian Government Decree of July 17, 1995 № 713 (ed. on 06.02.2023) "On Approval of the Rules for Registration and Withdrawal of Citizens of the Russian Federation from Registration by Place of Stay and Place of Residence within the Russian Federation and the List of Persons Responsible for Receiving and Transferring Documents for Registration and Withdrawal of Registration of Citizens of the Russian Federation by Place of Stay and Place of Residence within the Russian Federation to Registration Authorities".
4.6. Registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons at the place of stay at the Hotel and their deregistration at the place of stay are carried out in accordance with the Rules of migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation, approved by Russian Government Decree of 15.01.2007 № 9 "On the order of migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation" and the Russian Government Decree of 18.11.2020№ 1853 "On Approval of the Rules for Provision of Hotel Services in the Russian Federation."

V. Procedure for the provision of hotel services

5.1 The Contractor shall provide round-the-clock service to Consumers arriving at and departing from the Hotel.
5.2. In case of non-payment for hotel services, they will not be provided to the Consumer.
5.3. The entrance to the hotel room stock is carried out on the electronic key to the room, issued by the Contractor, after payment for accommodation.
5.4. It is not allowed to enter the room stock after the expiry of the stay at the Hotelю.
5.5The Contractor shall, at the request of the Consumer, provide the following types of services (related services) at no additional cost:
— сalling an ambulance, other special services;
— delivery of correspondence addressed to the Consumer to the room;
— waking up at a certain time;
— calling a taxi;
5.6. By signing (accepting) the application (contract) for the provision of hotel services, the Consumer agrees to the use of video surveillance systems in the common areas of the Hotel (except for rooms and restrooms).
5.7. At the request of the Guest in the room can be invited visitors in the period from 8.00 to 23.00 hours. The guest visitor must provide a document proving their identity to the receptionist. If visitors are delayed in their room after 11 p.m., these persons should be registered and checked in to a guest room or another available room according to the price list approved by the Hotel. The Staying Guest shall be responsible for the actions of visitors invited to his/her room, including liability for damage, violation of the no-smoking policy, refusal to pay for services rendered to these persons.
5.8. Smoking in the Hotel is strictly prohibited in accordance with the Federal Law № 15-FZ of 23.02.2013. "On protection of citizens' health from exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption". The Hotel has a ban on smoking tobacco, vaping (using tobacco products, liquids in order to inhale the smoke, vapor arising from their smoldering or heating (including e-cigarettes)) throughout the Hotel, in all rooms and common areas, including in the rooms. In case of violation of this obligation, the Hotel reserves the right to apply to law enforcement authorities in order to bring the Guest or its visitors to administrative responsibility. If the employees of the Hotel find smoking in the room, the Guest shall pay for cleaning the room from the smell of smoke (long-term ventilation, use of odor absorbers, washing curtains, tulle, textiles, dry cleaning of furniture) in the amount established by the Administration of the Hotel. In case of activation of the sensors of the fire alarm system a fine in the amount of 5000 (five thousand) rubles shall be charged additionally. The fact of smoking on the territory of the Hotel shall be confirmed by the act drawn up by the employees of the Hotel. In case the Guest refuses to sign the act or refuses to participate in the drawing up of the act, the act shall be marked.
5.9. Breakfast is provided to the Consumer from the day following the date of arrival. If the service includes a business lunch, it is provided on the day of arrival.
VI. Rights, duties and responsibilities of the Contractor
The Contractor undertakes to:

6.1. Provide the Consumer with the paid hotel services in full and in a timely manner.
6.2. Ensure the quality of services declared by the Hotel.
6.3. Ensure the confidentiality of information about Consumers and visitors to the Hotel.
6.4. Provide full information about the services provided by the Hotel.
6.5. Ensure the availability of information on the order of accommodation in the Hotel, fire safety rules.
6.6. To respond in a timely manner to the Consumer’s requests to eliminate inconveniences, breakdowns in the room stock.
6.7. In case of failure or malfunction of any equipment in the room and the impossibility of fixing the problem, to offer the Consumer a room not lower than the category paid by him. If the latter is not possible, a refund will be given, after deduction of the actual period of the guest’s stay.
6.8. Provide a "Book of Comments and Suggestions" at the request of the consumer.
6.9. Not to provide services provided for an additional fee, without the consent of the Consumer.
6.10. Ensure that the linen is changed at the guest’s request (at least once every 2 days without the guest’s request)
6.11. Promptly consider the requirements and complaints of Guests, to take action on complaints of Guests.
6.12. The Contractor shall have the right to refuse to provide the Customer with accommodation services, evict the Customer from the Hotel in case of violation of these Rules that pose a threat to the health safety of citizens, property of the Hotel and third parties, with a report on this incident and inviting (if necessary) employees of the competent authorities.
6.13. The Contractor shall not be liable to the Customer for direct or indirect losses and / or lost profits arising from the temporary absence of telephone and/or mobile (cellular) communications and / or access to the Internet and / or disruptions in their implementation, as well as other circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor.
6.14. The Contractor is not responsible for the work of city services (emergency shutdown of electricity, heat, water supply). In this case, the Administration of the Hotel is obliged to take measures to provide electricity and water to the guests as far as possible.
6.15. The Contractor shall not be liable for damage to the Consumer’s health if the Consumer consumes food and beverages purchased outside the Hotel and from third parties.
6.16. The Service Provider is not responsible for the loss of the Guest’s valuables in the room. The administration of the Hotel is responsible for valuable things of the Guest only if they have been handed over to it for storage according to the inventory.
6.17. The period of storage of the Consumer’s belongings in the Hotel is the period of stay of this Consumer in the Hotel.
6.18. If forgotten items are found, the Administration takes measures to return them to their owners. If the owner is not found, the Administration stores these items for one (1) month after finding them, and then disposes of them. Food items with open packaging are not to be stored and must be disposed of. If the packaging of food products is not broken, they are handed over to the storage room according to the general rules and are subject to storage for one (1) day. Individual cosmetics in closed packaging are subject to storage for one (1) week. Opened individual cosmetic products are not subject to storage and must be disposed of.
6.19. The Contractor shall notify the Consumer about the items forgotten by the Consumer at the contact information provided by the Consumer.
6.20. Upon expiration of the established storage period, items forgotten by the Consumer shall be considered unclaimed and shall be disposed of in accordance with the procedure established by local regulations.
6.21. The Hotel Administration reserves the right to visit the room without the Guest’s consent in case of smoke, fire, flooding, identified technical problems in the room, as well as in case of violation by the guest of these rules of accommodation, public order, order of using household appliances and in cases where there is reason to believe that the guest needs emergency medical care.
6.22. Guests can leave their personal belongings in the luggage room free of charge for no more than 12 hours.
6.23. In the absence of the Guest at the place of residence for more than a day (or after 6 hours from the time of his/her settlement hour), the Administration of the Hotel has the right to create a commission and make an inventory of the property in the room. Property may be moved to another room by the decision of the Hotel Administration.
6.24. In case of complaints from the Guests, the Hotel Administration shall take all possible measures to resolve the conflict, stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The book of comments and suggestions is held by the receptionist and is issued at the request of the Guest.
VII. Rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Consumer
The consumer is obligated to:

7.1. Observe the order of stay in the Hotel, provided by these rules.
7.2. Observe fire safety rules and regulations for the use of electrical appliances.
7.3. Respect the rights of other Consumers and visitors to the Hotel.
7.4. To vacate the room at the end of the paid period of stay.
7.5. Compensate for loss or damage to the property of the Hotel personally or for an invited person.
7.6. When leaving the room, close the water taps, turn off electrical appliances and lights, and close the windows.
7.7. Observe the norms of behavior in public places.
7.8. Do not interfere with the proper performance of their duties by the employees of the Hotel.
7.9. To treat with care the property of the Hotel, to observe cleanliness, silence and order in the room and common areas of the Hotel.
7.10.В случае возникновения чрезвычайных ситуаций строго следовать указаниям работников Гостиницы.
7.11. If you find any problems in the room systems, as well as poorly secured outlets or switches, sparks in electrical appliances, immediately report to the reception.
7.12. Immediately notify the staff of the accommodation provider of any emergency situation that could lead to any damage. If it is necessary to take urgent measures to prevent any or more damage, the report must be forwarded immediately to the receptionist.
7.13. Within half an hour after checking into the room, the Guest has the right to inform the receptionist about the damage to the items of equipment, equipment and decoration of the room. In the absence of the above-mentioned statement and if the Hotel Administration discovers damage, loss or damage to the property of the Guest upon check-out, the Guest is obliged to compensate for the damage caused. In case of damage to the property of the Hotel, a statement of property damage shall be drawn up. The amount of damage is determined according to the rates established by the Administration of the Hotel or, in the absence of damaged property in the price list, the damage is compensated in accordance with the market value of the lost/damaged property in force at the time of compensation for damages.
7.14. The guest is liable for material damage to the property of the Hotel in the amount established by the price list approved by the Administration at the time of the claim, as well as for damage to life, health of the staff, violation of the rules on non-smoking. The damage shall be compensated on the spot, before the departure of the guest.

The consumer is prohibited:
7.15. In order to comply with fire safety, use heating appliances (boilers, electric kettles, electric stoves, etc.) in the room of the Hotel and in the common areas, except for the appliances provided by the Contractor.
7.16. Leave unauthorized persons in the room in your absence, as well as give the room key to unauthorized persons.
7.17. Smoking in the rooms and other rooms of the Hotel, as well as in the surrounding area in places not designated for this purpose.
7.18. Bring and store weapons, explosive and easily flammable, toxic, corrosive, poisonous, narcotic substances and materials, firearms and other dangerous objects that pose a threat to the health and life of citizens.
7.19. Use candles and pyrotechnics (fireworks, sparklers, firecrackers, etc.).
7.20. Keep animals, insects, birds and other fauna in the room.
7.21. Throwing trash and other objects out of windows.
7.22. Move, remove furniture, bedding and other property of the Hotel.
7.23. When accommodated in rooms category "Veranda", while on an open veranda to step and climb on the curbs, lean over the railing, climb over the neighboring veranda.
7.24. Tampering with equipment and furniture, writing on walls and property, sticking pictures, drawings, clippings from newspapers and magazines on walls and equipment;
7.25. Use an open flame;
7.26. Exchange or sell things in the common areas of the Hotel, as well as engage in any entrepreneurial activity.
7.27. Perform work or other actions that create increased noise and (or) vibration, disturbing the normal living conditions of other Customers. From 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. the use of televisions, radios and other loudspeakers is allowed, provided the audibility is reduced to a degree that does not disturb the other Guests.
7.28. Commit intentional acts that endanger one’s own life and health as well as the life and health of others.
7.29. Openly carry any type of civil, service and military weapons, including in the performance of official duties.
7.30. Drink alcoholic beverages and consume food in the common areas of the Hotel (lobby, lounge).
7.31. Access and stay in the Hotel is prohibited to persons under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances, with aggressive behavior, not meeting sanitary and hygienic requirements, young unaccompanied children, visitors with animals.
7.32. Visiting the restaurant inappropriate clothing: open shoes, beachwear, dirty clothes.
Parents or other accompanying persons are responsible for the behavior of underage citizens and their compliance with these rules.
In cases not covered by these rules, the parties shall be governed by the applicable laws of the Russian Federation.
